
Does Dehydration Cause Irritability?

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It gives bad breath
"Dehydration gives a bad breath," says Marshall Young, DDS, a dentist in Newport Beach, Calif. "Saliva has important antibacterial properties. When dehydrated, the decreased saliva in the mouth allows bacteria to thrive, resulting in bad breath."
It makes the person crave sugar
Dehydration can mask itself as hunger, particularly sugar cravings. This may happen particularly if the person has been exercising, says Amy Goodson, RD, sports dietitian for the Dallas Cowboys. "When the person exercises in a dehydrated state, he/she uses glycogen (stored carbohydrate) at a faster rate, thus diminishing his/her stores more quickly." So once he/she finishes exercising, he/she will likely crave carbs to help him/her to replenish …show more content…

Podesta. A small study published in the Journal of Nutrition tested mood and concentration in 25 young women who were either given enough fluids to remain properly hydrated or who became mildly dehydrated by taking diuretics and exercising. The dehydrated women—who were at a level that was just 1% lower than optimal—reported headaches, loss of focus, and irritability.
It makes the person feels chills "This occurs because the person's body starts to limit blood flow to the skin," says Dr. Podesta. In addition, water holds heat, so if the person becomes dehydrated it can be more difficult to regulate his/her body temperature, which can make the person becomes chilled faster, even when he/she is not in a cold environment.
It can cause muscle cramps
A lack of water causes less blood circulation, which can make muscles cramp up, says Ray Casciari, MD, medical director of the La Amistad Family Health Center in Orange, Calif. "The body will protect its vital organs, so it shifts fluid away from muscles and anything that's not vital," he says. Muscle cramps can be extremely painful, making muscles feel harder than normal to the touch. Changes in sodium and potassium through sweat loss can also contribute to …show more content…

When the person is not getting enough H2O, his/her body compensates by withdrawing more fluid from the stool, making it harder and more difficult to pass.
It makes person feels dizzy and foggy
Along with muscles, the brain also gets less blood circulation when the person doesn't drink enough water, which can make the person feels dizzy, says Dr. Casciari. Additionally, mild dehydration may affect person's ability to take on mental tasks and cause to the person to feel foggy headed, according to a study from the British Journal of Nutrition. Interestingly, a study that appeared in the Journal of Nutrition showed greater mood changes in women than in men, both at rest and during exercise.
It causes a headache
Dehydration can cause headaches in a couple of different ways. "Lack of water affects body's serotonin levels, which can make the person feels with headaches," says Dr. Casciari. In addition, small blood vessels in the brain respond quickly to hydration levels (which is also behind hangover headaches), leading to dull aches and even full-blown

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