
Delano Roosevelt Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led the United States through some of its darkest times, using his own character to help the country overcome its struggles. In 1929, the market crash drove the United States into a decade-long craze, shaping America as a place of poverty and hardship for ordinary citizens. Throughout the early 1930’s, the United States struggled with the Great Depression and the disconnect it created between the government and the American population. Thankfully, in 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office. Herbert Hoover, the previous president, possessed a disbelief in the government's involvement in aiding the country in their financial struggles. His refusal to get involved in the economic issues of the country revoked …show more content…

His approach to charting the issue consisted of hosting a podcast in which he casually chatted with the country. The radio was an up and coming invention and an easy way to communicate to the whole country at the same time. Roosevelt’s podcasts became an event for which the whole country sat down at their radio transmitters where he plainly explained what was going on in the country. With an element of intimacy, Roosevelt opened his radio talk by establishing a connection with the people, “I want to tell you what has been done in the last few days, why it was done, and what the next steps are going to be.” Simple, short, and easy. He laid out the essence of the New Deal’s incoming programs and their benefits and holdbacks, by speaking in simple language, so that any listener could understand. The problem with the country’s spastic reaction to the market crash was that, since many people were uneducated, they misunderstood the economic problems of the time. Their lack of knowledge about the financial situation plummeted the country even lower into the pre-existing hardships of poverty. In the same speech, he assured them, “Your Government does not intend that the history of the past few years shall be repeated. WE do not want and will not have another epidemic of bank failures.” By emphasizing the unity of the land and the government, he assured citizens …show more content…

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 fell with a domino effect, driving people out of businesses, causing employers to fire workers because of money shortage, consequently, those workers to go broke and become homeless, and eventually setting the country into the hardly-reversible state of hardships that came with the Great Depression. Quite obviously, the country was impoverished. Panic arose as people started to withdraw all their savings from the banks as soon as they heard that the stock market had plunged, trying to keep their money safe and secure, manually. After breaking down the core issues of the Depression in his “Fireside Chat”, Roosevelt claimed, “I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.” This advice stuck with many after hearing their president speak so knowledgeably about the matter. After this convincing speech, crowds carried their money into banks just by the power of Roosevelt’s word. Sympathizing to the population’s struggle, “I owe this [explanation] in particular because of the fortitude and good temper with which everybody has accepted the inconvenience and hardships of the banking holiday. I know that when you understand what we in Washington have

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