Delinquency And Substance Abuse In The Juvenile Code Of States

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Juvenile Delinquency has emerged on the lips society over the past several years. When speaking bout delinquent among juveniles its first important to understand its meaning. Juvenile delinquency is stated as a from a legal standpoint Delinquency consists of those behaviors that are forbidden by juvenile code of state and are minors meaning they are under the age of consent however it is important to note that a minor may vary based on different states. There are Different contributing factors such as the increase of fatherless homes, single parent households. Factors of school and family problems related to alcoholism and , gang affliction , have all result in rise of juvenile Delinquency.

Richard, A Mendel article on juvenile …show more content…

From these irrational choices they tend to commit offenses that they will have not committed if they did not consume any kind of alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse and delinquency has developed into a crisis within the juvenile system the use of illicit drugs among young people has steadily risen. Substance abuse and delinquency is said to share common factors relating to school violence, lack of social control, and acts of sexual …show more content…

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