Delirium Lena Rebellion Analysis

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The attitude of Lena about the system changed a lot since she started seeing Alex. In the beginning she was clearly a follower of the governments system because in the book the author describes how Lena could not wait for the cure and be finally safe. But as soon as she became close to Alex she got infected and started to do illegal things. Before she met him she would never have gone into the wild and do illegal things like passing the fence and going to the wilds or even lie to her aunt just so that she is able to see her boyfriend. In the end she even fled out of her society in the wilds, she sacrificed her own safety to be with the person she fell in love with and stand up against the government. There are several reasons for her breakout, the day she saw the crypts Lena found out her mother was still alive which means that her aunt and her uncle lied to her the whole time about the death of her mother so she …show more content…

In Delirium Lena and Alex rebel with their love, too. The couple does not respect the rules of the system for example they meet up although they know it is illegal. In addition to that they pass the fence and flee to the Wilds. With these offences they risk their normal life and status in the society because they are going to be followed by the regulators and be punished. They would be cured or imprisoned at the crypts. Lena and Alex realized that the real enemy is not love but the government and its rules. As Lena and Alex realize that the real enemy is not love but the government and its rules they start to rebel and try to break out of the system. Aber sie rebellieren nicht für die Allgemeinheit sondern mehr für sich selbst und zu Gunsten ihres eigenen Lebens. Jedoch erreichen sie keine Änderung des Sytems und ihr Fluchtversuch scheitert auch, da nur Lena über den Zaun kommt und ein neues Leben starten kann, was ihr ohne ihrer Liebe Alex nichts