Democracy: The Role Of Corruption In Indian Democracy

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There will be no place for corruption when the ideals of democracy are actualized in Indian democracy. Corruption can be uprooted by good governance with transparency and accountability which the RTI aims to do. Corruption can be addressed by the three ways: 1) when citizens participate and perform vigilant watch dog; 2) when more power is given to anti-corruption institutions; and 3) when corrupt politicians are checked. Transparency is prerequisite to healthy democracy because secrecy breeds corruption. It makes democracy weak and ineffective in promoting the basic democratic principles of equality, justice and fraternity. Corruption degrades the quality of services and also ruins the life of the common man.
India claims to be the largest democratic country in the world but at the same time corruption stands as a most crucial issue here. Secrecy in the functioning of government provides fertile ground for breeding corruption in the working of the public authorities (MM Ansari, 2008: 4). A study shows, India ranked 85th among 175 countries in 2014 (, Dec 3, 2014). Cash, crime and corruption are the three pillars on which Indian democracy stands today (Surinder K. Shukla, 1994: 404). Muscle and money power control the election of representatives who run the governance and on whose hands depends the animation of public authorities and bureaucrats. Political parties are increasingly dominated by kin and nepotistic networks (Mukulika Banerjee, p.46). Finding

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