Demographic Dat The Depression Literacy Questionnaire

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• Demographic Data Participant will be asked to provide basic demographic information (gender, age, school name, grade, school level, residence and nationality). • Primary outcome: depression literacy measure The Depression Literacy Questionnaire [appendix 2] assesses mental health literacy specific to depression developed by National institution for mental health research ANU, Lead developer: Kathy Griffiths [26]. The questionnaire consists of 22 items which are true or false. Respondents can answer each item with one of three options – true, false or don’t know. Each correct response receives one point. Higher scores indicate higher mental health literacy of depression. Depression Literacy Questionnaire items are about depression symptoms, …show more content…

The Depression Stigma Scale [appendix 3] is designed to measure stigma associated with depression. It has two subscales which measure two different types of stigma: personal and perceived. The Personal Stigma Subscale measures stigma in the respondents own attitudes towards depression by asking them to indicate how strongly they personally agree with nine statements about depression. The Perceived Stigma Subscale measures the respondent’s perception about the attitudes of others towards depression by asking them to indicate what they think most other people believe about the same nine statements. Responses to each item are measured on a five-point scale (ranging from zero ‘strongly disagree’ to four ‘strongly agree’). Higher scores indicate higher levels of depression stigma [34]. 2. The Self-Stigma of Depression Scale [appendix 4] is designed to assess the extent to which a person holds stigmatizing attitudes towards themselves in relation to having depression Developed by National institution for mental health research ANU, Lead developer: Lisa Barney [35]. It is a 16 item scale with four subscales: Shame, Self-blame, Social inadequacy, and Help-seeking inhibition. Responses to the self-stigma items are measured on a five-point scale (ranging from one ‘strongly agree’ to five ‘strongly disagree’). Items are coded so that a higher score indicates greater …show more content…

Contact strategies:Numerous studies support the role of contact with an individual who has personal experience with mental illness in helping to reduce stigma [30,37-39], and research suggests that video contact can work as effectively as a live presentation [40,41]. Thus, we will show a video of a young male who had been diagnosed (i.e., not an actor) with depression. The video presented information that was moderately disconfirming of prior stereotypes by balancing the individual’s difficulties resulting from Depression, with his ability to live a normal life. All Health education material (lecture, group discussion, posters and brochures) about depression will be structured to consist of several components, including: the ability to recognize depression, risk factors and causes, depression treatments antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy, professional help available and appropriate