Demonstrate How The Contrasting Quantities Of Nutrients Affect The Photosynthesis Of

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The focus of this experiment was to demonstrate how the contrasting quantities of nutrients added to a cabomba plant affects photosynthesis. The research question that conducted the experiment was, ‘How does different amounts of nutrients affect the photosynthesis of a cabomba plant?’. It was hypothesized that if different amount of nutrients affect the photosynthesis of a cabomba plant, then the water with 6g of nutrients will cause the greatest amount of photosynthesis. The procedure for this experiment consisted of gathering the materials and setting up the cabomba plant with the water solution. Then, the number of bubbles that came out of the stomata was counted under a one minute timer. Afterwards, the data for that trial would be recorded; …show more content…

While different levels of light increased photosynthesis and assorted levels acidic levels made it increase as well, the added nutrients in this experiment made photosynthesis escalate the most. Additionally, this experiment applies to real world applications of fertilizer usage. For instance, fertilizers are added to plants to increase their growth rate. This indicates that the plant’s growth rate escalates because they are producing more energy through photosynthesis, as shown in the experiment. The process of photosynthesis was represented in this experiment. Photosynthesis is where autotrophs (such as plants) trap energy from sunlight, and convert it into food in the form of glucose and cellulose; it is also referred to cellular plant respiration. This procedure begins when the reactants (carbon dioxide and water) enter through the stomata and sunlight enters through the upper epidermis of the leaf into the palisade mesophyll where they are taken in by the thylakoid. Then, the xylem carries the water from the roots of the plant. Afterwards, the sunlight and water are taken in by the chlorophyll where they are converted into oxygen and it exits through the stoma. The chlorophyll additionally produce the chemical energy ATP and NADPH which are taken to the Calvin Cycle. This is where carbon dioxide and chemical energy produce glucose and cellulose (which serves as food for the plant; it exits phloem of the plant, located in the veins. As stated above, the thylakoid, chloroplast, chlorophyll, ATP, and NADPH are the cell parts involved in photosynthesis. Overall, this investigation proved to be successful because it demonstrated that different amounts of nutrients and its effect on the level of photosynthesis in a cabomba plant. However, the limitations of this experiment were that only one type of nutrient was tested on the cabomba

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