Abortion is an ongoing ethical issue that attracts many different views from various races, religions and ethical groups. Deontological or teleological views are two major categories that many major religious views can be sorted into. An ethical issue is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). Deontological points of view, such as Kant, are ones that involve always telling the truth and that all morals are related universally. For example this means that you can’t lie, even if someone close to you is in danger. Teleology basically endorses that the ends satisfy the means. If it happened then by nature, it was meant to happen. …show more content…
The categorical imperative basically universalises everyone regardless of all circumstances and purposes (if it would be morally good for everyone to do it, and not just one being, Kantian morals then allow for it). Before taking a Kantian point of view, one must first determine the starting point of life (conception? six weeks? first heart beat? at birth?). If one believes life starts at conception then abortion would be regarded as immoral and wrong at any stage of the pregnancy. If one believes life starts when a heart beat is first registered, then only from then on the abortion would be regarded as immoral and wrong; and so on. This proceeds as true with supporting evidence straight from the categorical imperative – if one decides that killing their neighbor, parent or child is not okay, then killing a zygote/embryo/fetus is regarded as immoral. However another point of view could be taken. If you asked a pregnant woman whether she could will that other women could have an abortion and she replied with “yes”, then it would be okay for her to have an abortion. If “no” then it would be immoral for her to have an abortion. As one can clearly see, the two deontological/Kantian theories have a big grey area. Using Kantian theory, someone who regards abortion as immoral, therefore cannot morally kill in self-defence, according to …show more content…
To channel yourself into an ethical point of view (deontological or teleological) you first must consider your opinion on the following arguments: When does life (classified as human) begin (conception/first heart beat/birth etc.*)? Is it wrong to kill an innocent human being? Therefore is it wrong to kill an innocent embryo/zygote/fetus? Once established with your point of view (relative or absolute) you form an opinion on the future pain and pleasure of the unborn child (if deontological, this shouldn’t matter). What ever your relative or absolute point of view may be, grey areas will exist always. You cannot come up with a set of morals (code of conduct if you like) that will satisfy an entire population, nor satisfy all your personal views on abortion. Studying philosophers like Kant, and Utilitarianism you can start to pick apart your own morals and make more informed decisions that hopefully will be acceptable in terms of the categorical imperative (Kant) or what is best for the greater good of all involved parties