Compare And Contrast Deontology Vs Utilitarianism

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What is intrinsically valuable to you? The situation covered in the short excerpt describes a story about a man who has placed several bombs and won't disclose the location of the bombs to anyone. The question is to torture him or not too? According to the situation at hand, you can either make a conclusion based upon Deontology or Utilitarianism, so which will it be? Deontology is the belief that "the moral worth of an action does NOT lie in the consequences of an action," while Utilitarianism is the belief that "moral worth of an action lies in the consequences of that action" (Garcia, Kant Slide 37). Deontology also believes that good will is the only intrinsic good, in contrast Utilitarianism believes happiness and well-being are the only intrinsic good. Both systems have completely different beliefs, which will be exposed in the following comparisons of the situation. First, I will explain the Deontology view point of the scenario. In accordance with Kant's method of thinking you have to start by creating a maxim. The maxim in the situation would be, I will break the law when doing so it will allow me to do much more good for humanity, in order to promote the goal of maximizing public safety. To check the maxim, we have to follow the two principles that fall under the categorical …show more content…

Furthermore, Jeremy Bentham, a believer of Utilitarianism, emphasized the idea of quantity over quality. In conclusion, I believe torturing the man who placed the bombs reveals the possibility of learning where the bombs are placed, therefore through Utilitarian influenced beliefs, I would judge it morally right if it maximizes the majority of people's