Department Of Homeland Security Essay

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Department of Homeland Security (DHS) The Department of Homeland Security is made up of 22 operating diverse agencies and bureaus within the department. These agencies were once independent agencies until the September 11 terrorist attack on World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, DC and Pennsylvania where a plane crashed in a rural area. After this attack former President George W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Act into law creating the department. This was done to prevent any future terrorist attack on the United States homeland as well as respond to natural and man-made disaster ( n.d.). Therefore, the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) became a part of the department in order to work together for the sole purpose of mandating the departments mission of protecting the country. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) Transportation Security Agency or Administration (TSA) is a part of the Department of Homeland Security. It was established after the 107th Congress passed and signed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act on November 19, 2001 ( n.d.). Congress established TSA …show more content…

n.d.). Its primary focus is to maintain the nation’s integrity on its ports of entry and boundaries for the protection of society ( n.d.). Unfortunately, before the department was established the compliance and facilitation of international travel and trade was conduct by several organization ( n.d.). However, once it was established it allowed a development of seamless security procedures as well as ensured compliance within the nation’s immigration, health and international trade laws and regulations. Therefore, it was placed under the Department of Homeland Security to help with immigration and customs

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