Department Of Homeland Security Essay

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Department of Homeland Security, Little Brother by Cory Doctorow Homeland security is growing at a rapid speed due to the pressing fear of terrorism in our country, Because homeland security is so big, it faces practically zero checks and balances from other agencies and government branches. Homeland Security was made to make American people feel safer after 9/11 , but because of the fear and ignorance of the American people,The DHS (department of homeland security) can get away with doing shocking things to people and can using freedom-violating-tactics to get information. This is similar to what the DHS did to Marcus and his friends and there is no doubt that if a terrorist attack happens in the US again, the DHS will act identical to …show more content…

Privacy is also something that we (Americans) really don’t have, thanks to the constant threat and fear of terrorism. The government can access anything you have ever done. If it’s on the internet, if it was on the internet, they can access it. The Department of Homeland Security will have access to it, even if you delete it, even if you were in “private” browsing. No matter what the scenario, the Department of Homeland Security has the capacity to be able to monitor, almost like the NSA, how they have the capability and the manpower to monitor any threat that they may see on the internet and strike it down. (Disaster after 9/11) Homeland Security plays a bigger role in our lives than we may think. Homeland security basically decides which freedoms we get depending on the threat of terrorism because nothing is more important that making sure the american people are “safe”. They choose which freedoms we get and which get taken away from us, during a terrorist crisis. (Downsize DC) The book Little Brother does a great job depicting the gruesome yet possible future of the control the Department of Homeland Security holds over un-aware

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