
Depression Argumentative Essay

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Body becomes heavy as the pill slithers down the throat, but as time passes it does nothing to ease the sadness the mind carries. This is known as “depression”; a mental disorder known to have many commit suicide. One way depression is being treated is in the prescription of antidepressants. The question of various researchers lately is whether the pills prescribed to treat depression actually have a solid effect on the psyche of the disorder itself. There are various types of pills used for depression, one primarily used is Zoloft. Not only are the pills’ abilities beginning to be questioned, but their effects when taken by certain users are beginning to come to attention. Some parents even want them gone, but are afraid they are their only …show more content…

In the last few years, the number of doctors prescription of drugs for depression has risen, but some are given to those whose depression isn't as serious as most.“Because these theories are conjectural, there is some debate in the scientific community over the true benefits of pills that alleviate depression. Some psychologists contend that the prescribing of antidepressants might create a placebo effect in patients, inducing them to believe the drugs help simply because they are endorsed by a doctor. In a July 14, 2011, article for Psychology Today, psychiatrist Steven Reidbord claims that the placebo effect may be compelling even though he attests to the transformation of patients who take these drugs .” (Gale 1) Antidepressants in fact can be harmful to their users if taken for the wrong reasons. With the issue being examined more thoroughly, the effects of the pills’ are starting to undergo more tests as more incidents of failures are being announced to the general public. Anti-depressants effects on users, alternatives to antidepressants’ and a basic understanding of the other side show how dangerous antidepressants can be when taken without a backup plan or

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