Depression In Adolescents

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It is not uncommon for an adolescent to feel down about something, sad, and not feel encouraged at times. These are all feelings, and how they may react to life. There may be a relationship breakup, a family member moving out of town, or even scoring poorly on a test. In most cases, often adolescents can get over these circumstances in a short time. The occasional sadness is o.k. and quite normal.
There are many adolescents who deal with life stresses differently. When an adolescent feels down, there are several ways to cope with their feelings. Several suggestions can be given that helps them to develop belonging and acceptance that is important to adolescents. Ways to do this include creating relationships that are healthy, staying busy with …show more content…

There are several causes of adolescent depression. Based on research these can include environmental, biological, physical, genetic and psychological factors. Depression in adolescents is usually caused by bad family life or divorce, a family history of depression may increase the risk of developing depression. Other factors that can contribute to depression are difficult life events, such as a family member moving, cognitive changes which can affect thinking ability, and biological change are factors that can drive …show more content…

Depression can be difficult to diagnose in teens because adults may expect teens to act moody. At this stage, the adolescent may have symptoms of depression that they are unaware of and may not get help. Symptoms that could be present in adolescent depression include affecting sleep patterns, eating habits, and thinking capabilities.
To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks (NIMH, 2016). Nevertheless, some of the adolescents can get chronic depression, or other types of depression were intervention will help bring them out of their depression. Being in a depressive state can become serious and can be harder to get out of. Nevertheless, some of the adolescents can get chronic depression, or other types of depression were intervention will help bring them out of their depression.
There are several forms of depression and some cases are more serious and can be more difficult to get out of. Some of these include bipolar disorder which is formally known as manic-depression, which is a condition that alternates between periods of pleasure and a state of depression. This depression goes have different cycles psychologically. Psychosis, in other words, is where they lose touch with reality. For example, they could be hearing voices inside their