Descartes Third Meditation Analysis

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Having asserted with absolute certainty his existence, Descartes attempted to remove the basis for doubting, a deceiving God, by first classifying in the Third Meditation which category of thoughts would be susceptible to doubt. Descartes divided thoughts into three categories: imagery, volitions and judgments, of which the third category could be most erroneous since judgment could lead to false ideas, a problem which could be resolved by considering them different modes of thoughts. These ideas could be further divided into three categories - innate, produced by one or adventitious. The last category was of particular importance: in term of representation, these ideas conveyed different degree of objective reality with omnipotent deities …show more content…

First Descartes examined the various qualitative mathematical features regarding such objects, those that he found having existed within him already. Some of these properties were uniform when it comes to a certain object, initiating Descartes to think of them as things he must clearly acknowledge regardless of his conscious idea toward them. The existence of God was then used to prove the truth behind such objects; including even those of the senses for mathematical properties could be derived from them. Since Descartes could clearly and distinctively conceive God, which was indubitable, any clear and distinctive feature of material objects perceived would ensure their existence as well as anything else that were perceived in the same manner (Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, p.87-90). In other words, God’s existence acted as Descartes’ ultimate key that would help him achieve the perfect knowledge (Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, …show more content…

While the process that led to his first absolute certainty regarding his existence was impressive, the fact that he proposed his existence as the key to God’s existence demolished the credibility of his argument (Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, p.70). For Descartes to exist, he believed that thoughts must come as a precondition. We understand that thoughts could only be able to process through a living organism. Before and right after the point at which his existence was proven as an absolute certainty, he had not confirmed that other living being could be capable of the same ability, thus if Descartes died then his thoughts would also being lost, his existence would be unproven and the very basis for the existence of God would be gone. The second problem with his argument lied within the cause and effect argument, in which there must exists a God whose presence encompassed everything. Here, Descartes considered the negation of God’s perfection, which means without any flaw, would be nothingness and its only flaw was the absence of everything (Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, p.82). The fact that Descartes could conceive of nothingness and think that it was true, however, must also be subjected to the cause and effect argument, in which the element of nothingness could not exist unless it was caused. Should