Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

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ii) Descartes argument for the proof of God’s existence is open to the accusation of circular reasoning. Critically defend or critique Descartes’ proof of God’s existence in light of this accusation.

The belief in God is a universal theme which has run through our rich history. Even today with modern advances and discoveries the answer for God’s existence is still unknown. Numerous religions and beliefs have been formed due to this proposed idea of God, although it has been in the centre of many conflicts throughout history.

Throughout my reading of Descartes he explains is theory of Gods existence in two distinct ways. His efforts to prove God's existence are based from simple but significant premises. One may ask how did Descarte classify his ideas. He believes existence is derived immediately from the clear and distinct idea of a supremely perfect being. Within his first argument he views god as a perfect being. In his eyes it is more perfect to exist than not too, hence why god exists.

Descarte raises the question of god’s existence within the third meditation and follows up on the topic in more detail throughout the fifth meditation. His beliefs are solely based on the theory of innate ideas (ie. ideas found within oneself) Which consist of clear and distinct perceptions. He claims not to rely on a self-professed definition of God but rather on an innate …show more content…

The idea of god must be caused by something infinite and definite. God is all actual and not all potential. Since the idea of god cannot have originated in himself , he concludes god must be the cause of this idea and therefore must necessarily exist. When this event occurs one becomes an actual being. Doubts and desires come from an understanding that we lack something. Hence, why we would not be aware of that lack unless we experience that perfect being who contains all those things we