Descartes believes that everything he has learned in his life is false. In the third meditation, Descartes focuses on his beliefs in ideas, imagination and the existence of God. He wants to see if he is capable of finding more of himself that he has not noticed before. Even though he might find more of himself, he is not sure if it is true or false. He got rid of all of his images and said that they are all empty, false and worthless. All of these images are in his head because he relies on his mind. After saying that everything he believes is false, he made a general rule, which is that whatever he perceive very clearly, and distinctly is true. He knows that the earth, sky and stars are true but existence is doubtful. He knew that in order to be deceived, you must exist. You can’t deceive things if you are not in a place to deceive, there would be no ideas to be proven true or false. …show more content…
An example that is related to an idea is when he thinks about God. He breaks down the ideas into three different categories, which are volitions or emotions and judgments. Judgments can be false but not ideas. Some of the thoughts created by someone should be on guard to prevent making a mistake are also called judgments. He also breaks down his ideas into innate, adventitious and invented. The idea that someone is born with is innate and this is where he placed God. Adventitious is something that comes from the outside. Ideas created from the outside use intellect but not the senses. Invented is something that we created ourselves. He realizes that nature had an influence to him learning about certain things. He notices that he learned these things through natural light, which are purely rational and cant be