Describe At Least 2 Examples For Specialized Classification Essay

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In a Word document, prepare a 1-2 page (300-500 words) essay style to answer the following question: Many hospitals adopt a major terminology system such as ICD, yet there is a need for specialized classification system terminologies, why do you think we need specialized classification terminologies? Describe at least 2 examples for specialized classification system terminologies? we need specialized classification terminologies: - One is the use and benefits of as tool uniform classification of diseases and other health problems recorded in the health and medical files and certificates of deaths. Also it helps to store and Estrada health data when needed in the clinical side of medical or epidemiological side, or even when you need them for purposes related to quality. The use of international coding of diseases, health systems helps to know the causes of death and lineage and find out any more prevalent diseases in the country. Some countries have linked each symbol financial value (occur in certain periods) became used as a platform to compensate for health practitioners or health facilities on Mailman its diagnostic or therapeutic measures for patients. There are other benefits, including the use of data that are encoded for future decisions whether financial or strategy. …show more content…

Many diseases have more than one name! There are several names for a particular disease makes an inventory of the number of patients it is very difficult. The use of medical coding in this case makes it possible inventory. A heart attack or stroke to write more than one way in the medical file. Medical coding inventory of all Titles and put it under a certain medical code.

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