Describe Yourself In Three Words Or Less Poem Analysis

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Part I: Scansion and Analysis This verse form does use evening gown voice communication there is not really any cant being used throughout the verse form. My analytic thinking is on the verse form “Describe Yourself in Three Words or Less” written by Rita Dove. I think this verse form was written with these lyric to prove a stop and let the reader know that citizenry do seem to station others into stereotype but that she does not spill into one of those types and she doesn’t believe that people should be grouped into types that way. She is mainly trying to refuse to use three intelligences to describe herself instead of using stanza. The poem does not really have any kind of a rhyme scheme that I noticed. She is using personification to describe …show more content…

she does not want to be placed into one case she uses opposing personality trait as she tries to describe in two lines “In fact: I’m itchy and pug-willed” (5). The line stated describes to different facet of her personality and power to be more than one simple stereotype. In the second rhyme she uses multiple ways to explain her personality. She is combining humor and sexuality when she says, “Each night I set my boats to sea / and leave them to their bawdy business” (9-10). In those phone line she is trying to be funny story and using it with some sexual sayings. She continuously tries to brand the pointedness that nobody is the same and that there should be no individual placed into a stereotype. In these lines, “Whether they drift off / maddened, moon-rinsed, / or dock in the morning / scuff and chastened-- / is simply how it is, and I gather them in” (11-15). Those lines are utilized to clarify that regardless of your identity everybody is unique yet that there is an association since regardless of what way you think or act that is only the way it should be for you as the person that you are. I trust that she is kind of appearing out in this poem since the title