Personal Narrative: 'One Fish Two Fish Blue Fish'

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A friendship is like a warm blanket, it’s soft and at times it’s exactly what you need to feel better. Here is how I came to that conclusion. It all started at 5 years old, I was in kindergarten. Stranded in a gigantic gloomy classroom that my mother left me prisoner too. The bright lime green room with a lingering smell of Play-Doh was filled with rambunctious and obnoxious kids. To pass the time from recess until lunch I sat down in the only place with Sade i could find, a sandbox under a big oak. I read my favorite books at the time “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” by Dr.Seuss. Out of the blue an inky shadow casts upon my book and makes the lettering dark and somehow this shadow smelled like flowers. I look up to see what was blocking …show more content…

I grabbed the remote to turn on the tv and the first thing that popped up was a commercial for a Lexus triggering the memory of the accident. I was hoping that watching tv could help me fall asleep, instead it made me think about the crash more. From dusk till dawn my eyes were glued to the ceiling and my mind glued to the thoughts beginning in What If ? What if the driver was never drunk? What if I was in the car the driver hit? What if the driver would have hit the crosswalk and all the people on the cross walk including Hazel and I ? I recognized when having those late night thoughts that life is short and you never know when your life is going to be in jeopardy so you have to live your life to the fullest. Ring! Ring! The alarm was defeated because I was already awake. I chose a Burgundy sweater to wear with denim jeans. I chowed down some cereal and was out the door by 6:30 am. I met Hazel at her house for our usual stroll to school. As we walked, the feeling of warmth entered my body. I felt like I wasn’t alone, I had my best friend with me to experience the tragedy with me. When I was with her, I felt