Power Surge The wave of power, the feeling of power, the black power that is, and the surge was like a wave coming in from ocean on a moon lit light, came in like a wave in troubled waters. The feeling was like that of Eva Peron. I was staring on the ocean. I could feel the oncoming of every individual coming on. It seems to push the crowd closer to the stage. I could feel that we as black people had reached a plateau that we had reached as slaves. Today, it was our decision to be there, in these United States. Even the President (Bill Clinton) himself left town, because he knew that we would be arriving in great numbers. Like Moses told Pharaoh to let my people go, as he parted the water. I could hear God. It was that day that …show more content…
A field of green money is what I saw. It was a miracle. As I stood on the Stage, the Steps on the West Side of the Washington Capitol Building; facing Pennsylvania Avenue and the Washington Monument, the field turn light green, the color of money. It made the hairs on my arms stand up. As I stood on the steps of the Capital wondering how could I embrace such a moment in history where the spirit within us was so strong and vibrant. I was standing just looking out over the crowd; so amazed at the volume of people in front of me. Such a force unexplained, so magnificent that I could feel each time another person joined the cause. I will never forget the time that I looked West from the steps of the Capitol and witnessed a miracle. Jessie Jackson and others mentioned how expensive it was to set up the Million Man March. Then, he asked the million men to put their donations in the air. In a fraction of a moment, as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but dollars in the air. From the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial, there was a “field of green.” I remember the hairs on my arms standing tall, as I witnessed this