Desdemona's Reputation In Othello

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Can one liar ruin multiple lives? One intelligent character demolished numerous reputations as he continued to strive towards his idea of perfect revenge. Simply one wrong move could trap this villain in his lies. Shakespeare narrated this very tale in his popular play, Othello. Shakespeare instructed how easily relationships and reputations can be dismantled. The story, in brief, featured Iago, the protagonist, whom plotted to ruin the life of his commanding officer, Othello. Iago targeted Othello for lacking to promote him and supposedly having an affair with his wife, Emilia. As Iago tackled his elaborate plan in his attempt for revenge, he destroyed countless reputations- including his own.
In the beginning, Othello was evidently a well honored Moor of his time. He earned his position as general because of his strong reputation and character. This authority signified the great respect he most graciously and humbly received. Only Iago, due to underlying circumstances, lacked a sense respect for his commanding officer. Iago slickly undermined his general’s reputation. Othello’s mistaken assumptions took away the life of him and his beloved. Othello became well aware of his slightly altered reputation. “Then …show more content…

Nobody believed a woman as pure as Desdemona could possibly love a Moor. Certainly Othello cast black magic to ensure she would fall in love with him. Brabantio, Roderigo, and Iago threw around these accusations which Desdemona quickly shut down. Many characters admired her and accepted her as Othello’s wife. As Cassio remarked to Montano “Most fortunately: he hath achiev’d a maid that paragons description and wild fame; one that excels the quirks of blazoning pens, and in th’essential vesture of creation does tire the ingener” (2.1.62-5). Her acquaintances knew she was as loyal as she was beautiful. Only her reputation to Othello swayed off

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