Desegregation Of Schools In The Southern States Essay

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History Essay: Evaluate the difficulty in desegregating schools in the southern states of the USA from 1954-1957. In order to evaluate the difficulty in the desegregation of schools in the South of the US, it’s necessary to analyze its various effects and the political and social contexts of the South at the time. Thus, the reluctance from the Southern political sector to desegregate the education system, the disinclination of the Southern population to let go of the segregationist culture dominating the South, as well as some legal loopholes inherent in the Brown v. Board of Education ruling will be considered and evaluated, ultimately reaching the conclusion that the attempts of desegregation provided difficulties, and fundamentally proved unsuccessful. …show more content…

State laws were implemented to outlaw interracial marriage, maintaining fundamental social segregation, and Jim Crow laws remained pervasive throughout the Deep South. Perhaps due to these societal foundations influencing the South’s entire culture, the Southern population was majorly opposed to racial integration. As indicated by source O, African-American students that attempted entering racially segregated schools were met with backlash and violence, and despite the federal ruling of the Brown v. Board of Education, racial integration was still met with massive opposition by most

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