Desiree In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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In the beginning of this story the readers can tell that Aubigny the husband to be was of course very in love with the wife to be Desiree. Which at one point he did not care that she was nameless. “He was reminded that she was nameless. What did it matter about a name when he could give her one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana?”(Chopin 903). His lover for her was so big that nothing would stop him from marrying her. This was long before Armand knew very little of Desiree and her unknown past. He proceed to marry her and indulges her with many “fine clothes and gifts for her from paris”(Chopin 903). therefore is as if he has purchased his was through Desiree as a woman and now his wife.
This part of the story reveals the way he treated …show more content…

This is the century that if you have the features of an African as a child, you were able and considered as a slave. Many children ended up being slaves under the theory that if being with an African made a person blacker rather than white. But what happened is two people with different races happen to have a child who has inherited a white skin tone. Well, in this situation this child in the society is now considered as part of the white society. What does this mean exactly well this now mean that this child is now considered passing for white if they choose to be. Meanwhile where most of the people would rather fall into a category of white or black this was and still is social …show more content…

Aubigny is trying to destroy all the memories that he has with Desiree his wife and child. He wanted to remove everything and anything that reminded him of the real race heritage Even more shockingly while Aubigny was going through the letters and burying them he found one written letter. It was from his mother to his father that revealed that is for certain that he is one part black and the part black come from his mother's ancestry. How come this secret he sort of knew was now being confirmed why didn’t Aubigny mother told his herself? at the age of eight Aubigny mother had died so she must have written that letter long before. He might not have remembered that well since his mother died when he was a small child, he might not have noticed what color, skin tone his mother might have had but it may be that his mother has light colored skin and was also passing a white in the society. Overall this is accurate that Desiree and her baby are victims of racism as Aubigny is trying to get rid of everything that has to do with that part that she and her child carries black heritage and does not approve of it and leads to rejecting