Detective Elk Character Analysis

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“Dota Zyhn, two shots in the head,” Detective Sam said, Detective Elk sighs, “what are we going to do captain?” Sam asks, “innocent people are dying from left to right,” Detective Elk sits down on a nearby bench and closes his eyes, “This murderer is pretty good,” Elk says to himself, Elk takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts, Elk puts on his hoodie and taps his legs gently. “Detective Elk always does this when he thinks, it has been said to help Elk think better, and if he doesn’t do this, he gets 20% less intelligent.” Sam says to himself, Sam sighs and starts to stare into space, “I hope we can solve this before it's too late,” Sam murmurs. There are deaths happening all around America to Canada, The Detectives have concluded people …show more content…

Detective Elk is the captain, there are five people on this team, Detective Elk, Detective Michael, Detective Sam, Detective Robert and Detective Mark. “Well we can’t get any information, we are always going to be behind an-” Detective Elk grins, “don’t worry, I got some information on this case,” Detective Elk tells his team, the whole team sighs in relief, they have been running in circles, finally they can take a step closer to solving the murder case, “the murderer left this message on the dead body of Dota Zohn” Detective Elk continues, “this message will bri-” “so the murder is getting cocky now and he’s writing us clues now?” Robert jokes, Mark cringes and Robert’s joke, Sam shushes Robert and Mark and waits for Detective Elk to continue. “The message was on a piece of paper, on the piece of paper it read: I will kill you, Elk Aback,” the room goes silent, “how is that going to help you?” Sam manages. “Give me some time to think,” Elk tells his team, “this meeting is