Determination And Perseverance In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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When faced with hardships it is typically hard to continue thinking positively but Pi's determination and perseverance prove to be a great example of how even when going through hell you should keep going. In Life of Pi, as conditions on the boat worsen, and a lack of water and food exist, Pi is decided to survive, he reflects on his experience by expressing “Some of us give up on life with only a resigned sigh. Others fight a little, then lose hope. Still others - and I'm one of those - never give up. We fight and fight and fight. We fight no matter the cost of battle, the losses we take, the improbability of success. We fight to the very end.” (148) No matter what Pi was fronted with he established ways to accommodate and survive. The struggle …show more content…

In the book, Yann Martel used the color orange as a symbol of hope, survival, and spirituality. The main character, Pi, is a spiritual person who believes in Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. As his family begins their journey, the ship sinks, and Pi is left stranded. He survives among the escaped animals. He loses hope. What he receives is mostly orange. The first thing he gets is an orange whistle, representing determination. It gives him a ray of hope. "It seems orange-such a nice Hindu color- is the color of survival because the whole inside of the boat and the tarpaulin and the life jackets and the lifebuoy and the oars and almost every other significant object aboard was orange. Even the plastic, beadles whistle were orange” (138) The objects around him create a spiritual aura that make him feel good. He prays frequently, which keeps his faith alive. Orange connects him spiritually and inspires him to start a new life. He states that the color is beautiful and Hindu. It is the "color of survival" that shows that he won't give up. Every time he saw orange, Pi was able to stay strong. Orange juice the orangutan, Richard Parker the tiger, and Usha’s cat were all orange. The movie cover and some book covers are also orange. As described in the novel, during the journey Pi and Richard Parker faced and survived a storm where the lifeboat did not sink and brought them to the island. Orange gave them happiness and hope. That's how it relates to the

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