
Determination In Grimm's Cinderella

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Determination in “Cinderella” “Cinderella”, the original fairytale, is found in a collection of stories created by the Grimm brothers. The story of “Cinderella” is used in order to display and teach children and adults a way of living. This fairytale reflects values such as perseverance and determination. Cinderella, the protagonist, is an outcast her family, as her father is her only blood relative. She is forced to do housework and is not allowed to take part fun activities or share luxuries with her stepsisters. The stepsisters are greedy and do whatever they can to gain their mother’s approval. They believe they are worthy of becoming the prince’s wife. The prince holds a ball to get to know possible brides to be, and he instantly is attracted …show more content…

After hearing about the ball being held at the king’s home, Cinderella is insistent on going: “However, because Cinderella kept asking, the stepmother finally said, ‘I have scattered a bowl of lentils into the ashes for you. If you can pick them out again in two hours, then you may go with us’” (Grimm 2). Cinderella is so determined to attend the ball that she is willing to do whatever it takes. When the author says, “Cinderella kept asking,” it proves that she continues to ask her stepmother until she gets an answer she will accept. Cinderella’s stepmother constantly gives her stepdaughter hard work to do, but Cinderella perseveres, which fuels her determination to attend the ball and become the prince’s bride. Although the task is unreasonable, for Cinderella’s embarrassment and suffering only, Cinderella does not give up. Her menial task only pushes Cinderella to want her opportunity to be with the prince more, proving her determination and the benefit of being allowed to go with her stepsisters, shown by, “Then you may go with us”. Cinderella is tired of the life she lives and desperately wants a new one. This is why the benefit of being able to attend the festival makes Cinderella determined to clean up her stepmother’s …show more content…

The benefit for Cinderella and the prince is long term, while the benefit for the stepsister is only temporary. However, both are results of their determination to get what they want, and they are all willing to do whatever it takes to experience the benefit. The characters did not give up and were persistent, which is a value that many children and adults consider highly. “Cinderella”, teaches the audience that determination can lead to benefits and is worth the consequences that may come with the value of not giving up until one fulfills their

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