This text shows that Odysseus can be humble and accept that he needs to listen to survive and he alone can not keep his whole crew alive. Odysseus tends to use his own wit and skills to survive not needing others help, but sometimes he does need to take others advice to
His fate and journey are ultimately changed by the actions of others who are selfish, greedy, and foolish. The suitor’s greed gave him the extra desire to finally return to Ithaca, and his journey changed as he became desperate to return to Penelope. The selfishness crew caused his journey to be delayed, as he was forced to travel for ten extra days. The foolish crew, and their need to die with full stomachs caused Odysseus to be alone and stuck on an island with Kalypso resulting in more time away from
The natives there gave Odysseus and his men an intoxicating fruit of the lotus. After Odysseus and his men eat the fruit, they forget all of their thoughts about home and decide to eat more of the fruit. The only way that Odysseus can get him and his men back home is by dragging his men back to the ship and lock them up, Odysseus decides to go along with it. When Odysseus went back to Ithaca, He made the wise choice to go and see his wife Penelope. Odysseus was so brave to go see his wife because he didn’t know if she was going to recognize him at all or want to be with him for the rest of her life.
elemachus’ Fight for Honor The Odyssey, written by the Greek Poet Homer, tells the story of Odysseus’ journey returning home from the Trojan War. The beginning of the book starts with Telemakhos, son of Odysseus. He gives a speech to the men of Ithaca at an assembly he has called for the first time since his father has been absent. Telemakhos has a change of character and needs the help from the men to take back control of his home and his self-respect.
A Man of Loyalty, Patience, and Determination In the epic poem The Odyssey, written by Homer, Odysseus’ heroic deeds are recounted through a narrative that describes his arduous journey from the Trojan War to his homeland of Ithaka. This journey makes Odysseus an epic hero. An epic hero is a brave and noble character who is admired for his achievements. Traits of an epic hero are necessary for the journey Odysseus goes on to reach his homeland.
Although Odysseus claims he wants to get home to his beloved wife, Penelope, he continues to contradict himself throughout the story both through his actions by sleeping around, through taking unnecessary trips that stalled his journey back home even more and flirting with other women along with leading them on. Odysseus throughout the Odyssey claimed he wanted to get home to Penelope and his home land, Ithaca, but he not only contradicts himself through his actions, he also shows a tremendous amount of disloyalty to Penelope throughout the book. One of his stops during his journey home is to the goddess Circe 's island. Odysseus explained to the Phaeacians his stay at Circe 's island by saying, “ -and when she’d finished, then, at last,
Odysseus must, then, extrapolate that his arrogance in shouting his name to Polyphemos has cursed him and crew, causing him to not see his family for twenty years, and ensuring much worse fate for his crew. If it wasn’t clear then, Teiresias lays it out for him, denial of yourself, [Odysseus] and restraint of his shipmates, who also let their overconfidence get the better of them, such as on Ismaros, is the only way to make it home and atone for his past actions. Teiresias’ words cause Odysseus to step back, and momentarily be freed from his righteousness and hubris, giving him the opportunity to understand his flaws from an uninhibited perspective. The pace of his life and adventures clouded his vision, and his emotion and ego further blinded him to his faults, but being presented with responsibility for his situation and a new perspective to analyze himself from opens his eyes to what he must do. This lesson is an enormous turning point for Odysseus, it is his revelation, and his chance to correct his
He felt obligated to remain with her in a perfect paradise for seven years. However, throughout the entire time he was trapped with Calypso, Odysseus felt that he was wanted elsewhere. Thus, he longed to return to his home and to his dearly loved Penelope. Odysseus’ passion for being with his wife ultimately won the call for him to return home.
Determination is an important for Odysseus because of long desire to return home. He was held confined on an island all alone. He was tempted many times and fell into temptation in the long covenant of his wife Penelope. Determination is also showed in his thought process; his longing to live For instance, when Odysseus finally goes home, he wanted to hurt the men who had been taking advantage of his wife and he follows through with his plan to kill them. Penelope, Odysseus wife is another example of having complete determination.
In The Odyssey Homer makes Odysseus’ journey to his beloved Ithaca excruciating. Odysseus encounters many friends and foes throughout his journey and has to be a leader throughout his experiences. As an example, he encounters Polyphemus and Poseidon, both of whom make his journey mentally and physically painful. Odysseus faces countless scenarios in which he has to save multiple people in those situations. He also encounters the suitors, who are a group of men that try to marry Penelope, when he returns to reclaim his home.
Odysseus is not only courageous, but he’s also very determined like myself. When we set our sights on something we go and get it. Meanwhile, Odysseus is trying to return home he says to the Cyclops “... though [my] land lies far” (896). His meaning to that indicates that he’s determined to get home and see his love one at all costs. That’s just one of the ways he shows that he’s set his sights on getting home.
A powerful leader shows the strength of a lion and the wisdom of an owl. One gets their men out of any predicament they may find themselves in while staying mostly intact. It’s difficult, but the main character Odysseus often makes the correct and moral decision. Intelligence is greatly valued in the world of ancient Greece and Odysseus is fortuitous enough to have it. In The Odyssey, intelligence is seen as an important trait to the Greeks because quick thinking and careful decisions shows a great likelihood of becoming a strong leader.
While finally making it home to Ithica, he got word that all was not well at his home and that Penelope was in trouble. People had invaded his home, and these suitors tried to take Penelope for themselves. When Odysseus got word of this he did not rush and try to kill them like he once would have, but instead, he thought and planned his moves. With the help of his son, and servants of his house, they were are able to rid the house of the suitors and have Penelope once again.
In The Odyssey, Odysseus’ journey is created by a cycle of self-created obstacles that are solved by quick witted thinking and ultimately reflect no real desire to learn from his errors or create any character development. Throughout the story, Odysseus expresses a strong desire to return home to Ithaca, however he is constantly thwarted by his own curious and boastful nature. For example, when
Imagine being apart from your family for over ten years, fighting for your life in a war, and in the many battles and problems you will face on your way home from war. Would you be able to fight a cyclops, pass a dangerous whirlpool and have to face the fact that your crew betrayed you? In the novel The Odyssey written by Homer, Odysseus must do all of these things and more. He has been away from his wife, son and many other family members for over ten years now, fighting for his life on his journey home after fighting in the Trojan war.