Detox Definition Essay

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The shocking truth about addiction is it still reigns as one of the biggest drags on humanity. In greater numbers than anyone would like admit, far too many people find themselves caught in the cycle of addiction with seemingly no way out. Fortunately, there's always a path to recovery so long as the afflicted individual is still breathing. It's the hope of recovery that makes the detox definition relevant.

What is the Textbook Detox Definition
According to The Free Dictionary (Medical version), experts have listed the detox definition as follows: "Detoxification is one of the more widely used treatments and concepts in alternative medicine. It is based on the principle that illnesses can be caused by the accumulation of toxic substances (toxins) …show more content…

While prescribed medications have a meaningful purpose, they can still become toxic substances if taken in excess. Experts will make a similar claim about alcohol, though many people enjoy it without adversity. As dangerous both these types of substances can be, substances made for the distinct purpose of distorting body function are the most toxic of all.

The Detox Definition and Recovery
When someone has allowed themselves to become physically and/or psychologically dependent on any substance, they face a serious challenge when they are ready to break the hold of their addiction. In many cases, the individual is going to need help with the detox or detoxification process in order to avoid painful and sometimes dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

The fact someone might allow their addiction to fester and grow over a certain period of time, depending on the abused substance, makes withdrawal symptoms inevitable. Without going through a proper detox program, people could find themselves unable to get through the recovery process. They stand the risk of recurring relapses because of the toxins that remain in their systems. It's not uncommon to hear from recovery addicts that detox is the gateway to the road of