Diabetes In Australia Essay

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Australian doctors and health care officials sound the alarm about an overwhelming spread of diabetes among the population. It is tending to become an epidemic of the 21st century as the rates of its growth are frightening and threaten the nation’s health. Official statistics are indeed discouraging:
• Australians develop diabetes every several minutes
• The total number of Australian people suffering from all types of this dangerous disease is approaching 1.3 million excluding more than half a million patients with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes
• The number of the those people who have acquired diabetes in the past year have already surpassed 100,000
• The amount of codependent people thus is also increasing as every person suffering from …show more content…

General statistics speaks of nearly 3 million people (or more than 13 percent of the population) who live beyond the poverty line. People with low income cannot afford qualitative health care and drugs, they are used to buying cheap and harmful food, for example fast food, products with a high level of saturated fats and sugar, etc.
It is a scientifically proven fact that overeating and fast food abuse lead to type 2 diabetes. That is why people living in poverty refer to at-risk segments of the population. Especially it concerns children as their digestive system is not yet been formed and they will be the first for a diabetes attack. The number of children and young people with obesity is large and hardly all parents understand all the risks the excess weight can bring to the future generation.
Level of Education
The last but not the least factor that plays a significant role in type 2 diabetes development is the low level of education of Australian citizens. It mostly refers to aboriginal population which has low access not only to health care services but to affordable education as well. Living in remote areas leaves people totally ignorant of basic things, such as health literacy, recognizing symptoms or knowledge of medicines. Reading up-to-date journals or watching health-related TV programs are not within their interests