
Diagnosing Billy Pilgrim: A Psychiatric Approach

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"Diagnosing Billy Pilgrim: A Psychiatric Approach to Kurt Vonnegut 's Slaughterhouse-Five," by Susanne Vees-Gulani is a ten-page article about the after affect of war on Billy Pilgrim. It not only suggests the novel is about PTSD, but investigates Billy Pilgrim and Kurt Vonnegut individually. Susanne takes a close look at both the character and the author, mentally, and suggests Vonnegut writing Slaughterhouse-Five was a remedial, therapeutic, procedure. It is, again, expressed Billy Pilgrims vivid imagination of an altered reality comes as a consequences of war, (along with Vonnegut’s inability to recall his wartime encounters). This article falls around the idea of illustrating the actual detrimental affects and ultimately life ruining stress
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