Dialectical Journal For Lord Of The Flies Chapter 2

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1. This image relates to a section of my book about bullying. In this image, you see that 5 white eggs are bullying and laughing at the brown egg, because of its differences. The brown egg was so upset that other eggs were making fun of it; it committed suicide (cracked). This relates to my section because, a mother named Ammu was being harassed and annoyed by a police officer named, Inspector Thomas Matthew. The inspector would not listen to the statement that Ammu had to say, because he said that he does not listen to veshyas (prostitute), even though she wasn’t. The inspector was being disrespectful and a bully to the mother, because of a rumor that was spread. Later, it states, “(w)hen they left the police station Ammu was crying ... It …show more content…

In the text it says, “(t)hat the emptiness in one twin was only a version of the quietness in the other. That the two things fitted together” (Roy 21). Rahel was a lonely person that did not have many people that she could talk to, since her twin had to live with their father. For this reason, Rahel got married to a foreigner within a few days of meeting him, because she wanted to be with someone who loved her. Although, she did not know that he was an alcoholic and had many other issues, leading her to separate their relationship. This text shows how that even though at a young age Rahel and Estha (twins) were always fighting and arguing, they rely on each other, and are not able to live life fully, without being or communicating with each other. I can relate to this situation because, even though many times I argue with my siblings and parents, I would not be able to live life fully, without having them for support and comfort. My parents and siblings are important to me, and are always there for me, even when I am having a bad day. I can relate to Estha and Rahel, how that as much as you try to find comfort and love from different people, you cannot have the same relationship with someone else, who is not your sibling. This is a text to self connection because I can relate the situation with Rahel and Estha, to …show more content…

Within a year of her joining the convent, her father began to receive puzzling letters from her in the mail ... It was Baby Kochamma’s mother who eventually realized that Koh-i-noor was none other than Baby Kochamma” (Roy 25-26). In this statement, the narrator talked about the history of the love of Baby Kocahmma, now a grandmother. She was in love with a priest and later joined Catholicism, to become closer to her lover. She felt guilty for her decision about disobeying her father, so she began to write letters to him, under the name as Koh-i-noor. She did this because, she was too ashamed of what she had done. A text to self connection I have is that, at times I do not listen to my parents and continue to do whatever I want, even when I have to do something important. Many times when my mom would ask for help when cleaning, after a long day at work, I would rudely say no, and continue browsing YouTube. After a while, I began to feel really guilty for what I had done, and mad at myself, why I didn’t listen to her when I was doing nothing better. I was not able to join my videos, when I had the feeling of remorse on my shoulders. As Baby Kochamma began writing letters as an apology to her father and how she (Koh-i-noor) was feeling depressed, without having him beside her, I began to join my mother cleaning, as a way to say I am