Dialectical Journal For Night By Elie Wiesel

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Q5: After I read this book, this made me understand how much the Jews has struggled in the camps. Before I read this book, I thought the concentration camps is where Jews had to work until there numbers on their arm would be called out to get killed. They would killed them only by using the gas chambers which that wasn't the case at all. A lot of Jews were killed by machine guns. Babies were used as target practices for shooting. Babies were also thrown into fires. People died from furnaces. I didn't know that the they used gas chambers and disguised them as showers. This also made me understand how Jews slowly lost their rights and privileges. This helped me understand how privileged I am today and I take things for grand it while back in …show more content…

He wasn't safe in the hospital because he could get killed in the hospital. Even the doctor said that he shouldn't be too comfortable or safe. The doctor was also a Jew. He could get his number called the next morning or later. That's scary to think that even in the hospital where it's the most safest place to think. Someone can get killed. Elie also said that it was nice to have bed sheets for one and he almost forgot that people sleep with bed sheets because he sleep in uncomfortable bunks and has to sleep next to people without sheets in the freezing cold air. Plus the only food they got didn't helped at all. The only thing they got was cold leftover soup, little amount of bread, and black coffee. That didn't help them to stay warm. It's sad to think even in a hospital a Elie had to worry about if he's going to be alive or not. That's the last place to think so one would get killed for their beliefs. Everyone should be the rights to be in the hospital if they needed no matter what's there race, gender, religion, etc. A hospital is a place to stay to feel safe and have doctors and nurses to take of that patient's needs. I wonder how did Elie feel after he left the hospital. Did he missed it? Does he want to come