Dialectical Journal For The Catcher In The Rye

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1. Title- The title refers to the misinterpretation by Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of the story, of the poem “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye”. Holden Caulfield mistakes the line “if a body meet a body” to his understanding as “if a body catch a body”. Caulfield pictures children playing in a rye field near a cliff and his dream job would be catching them before they fall off.

2. Time Period- The novel is set in the early 1950s just after World War II had concluded, depicting a state of social unrest. At that time in US history, social codes and conducts pressured teenage conformity that Holden Caulfield didn’t want to fit into.

3. Purpose- The purpose is e. from the AP Survival Packet, which states “Authors’ thinking often runs counter to their own cultural training”. A biography of J.D. Salinger stated that he …show more content…

Universal Truth- the universal truth was a quote by Mr. Antolini saying “The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one” (Chapter 24 page 244). This quote means that it could be easier to run away from trials, but to truly overcome a tough circumstance hard work and sacrifice needs to be given. For Holden to show he has matured as a man he needs to face his battles with full intent.

7. Symbol- Holden’s red hunting hat is a symbol of Holden’s uniqueness and difference from the others in the book. It is also the same color as his sister Phoebe’s hair and his friend Allie’s hair which could help connect the important people in his life. Holden never wears the hat when he is around people he knows giving the reader insight that when he wears the hat he feels the need for his isolation.

8. Imagery- Salinger uses visual imagery to paint a picture in the reader’s mind of each moment in Holden’s life. Since the story is in perspective of Holden himself, it only makes sense that the narrator is trying to explain each detail of every event that crossed his