
Dialectical Journal For The Kite Runner

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The kite Runner Journal 3 In the "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini loyalty is one of the several major topics. Being loyal to a friend and others is always important. Hassan is always loyal to Amir even if it means putting himself at risk. The day of the kite tournament, when Amir wins, Hassan runs to get the kite for Amir. When Hassan is returning home with the blue kite Assef trapped Hassan in a valley. Assef tells Hassan to give him the kite, but Hassan refuses and tells him it's for Amir. Assef assaulted Hassan so that Amir could have the kite. Loyalty can sometimes go to far and hurt people. An example of this is when Assefs friends, Wali and Kamal held down Hassan so that Assef could rape him. Wali and Kamal were being loyal
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