
Diary Entry For Algernon Essay

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Algernon’s dissection has only confirmed my startling predictions. I hoped for the progressive deterioration of my intelligence to be a temporary side effect, but now I see I can do nothing to prevent myself from regressing back to the old Charlie, and possibly even less. It is incredibly frustrating knowing I will not be able to stop this. Emotional instability and forgetfulness are beginning to plague me. Despite this, I cannot sit idly by, allowing myself to be consumed by this but at the same time, what can I do? I’ve already published studies in days that would normally take years, I’ve surpassed some of the most intelligent men in history by leaps and bounds, I’ve seen life from both ends of the spectrum yet, I still cannot stop this. Like a gambler, …show more content…

I cannot help but to irrationally worry about my personal relations. I can’t stand the thought of humiliating myself in front of Miss Kinnian and Dr. Strauss. I hate the thought of them pitying me, the thought of going back to the factory dull and mindless. I am more worried about what they will think of me, rather than the major loss of society my declining intelligence will bring. I’m sure that I have provided valuable information to science, but it cannot console me. Nothing will make up for what is to ineveibatly come: my crude fall from grace. I remember what Fanny said when she spoke to me months ago. She told me that it is wrong for man to interfere with nature. I viewed it as an asinine statement at the time, but now, I see the theme progressing as nature has come to reclaim what is hers. I am not usually superstitious these days, however, as unreasoned as it is, I now see cannot argue against this sentiment. Despite my cheer when I was the old Charlie, I can see how dim I truly was. There was no thought behind the face. I was simply a husk of a

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