The Use Of Language In Bleak House By Charles Dickens

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With the present essay, I just to want to explain how Charles Dickens used language to catch the reader’s attention. Normally when we study the language that the characters of any work use, it is just to understand much better what the author meant by his literary style. The use of characters and their different social ranks and different usage of languages, help to understand better the times in which the author wrote the book.
So it is good to know the different types of language that the author uses in the work to understand better what the author wants to express and how the author wants to express it. That is why, we so often have an erroneous knowledge and we put down different meanings when we do not know the essential meaning of that era.
Charles Dickens was one of those who used to use different styles in his works. This way, he expressed his feelings in various ways. Dickens used different characters from different social classes, assigning them the task of attracting the attention of the reader.
One style attributed to Dickens was the Victorian era. It tried to put together language and time. But I will talk about this part in more detail later.
So, as I said before, I am going to analyze how Dickens used his plays to express his feelings through the language that his characters used.
In many passages of Bleak House, we can see how Dickens breaks some grammar rules and constructs sentences without verbs is, you can see it in chapter I. For him