Did Trans-Saharan Trade Lead To Ghana's Wealth And Success?

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Vinh Bui To What Extent Did Trans-Saharan Trade Lead To Ghana's Wealth And Success? Have you ever wonder why now, Ghana is not rich but before, they were really wealth and success? Ghana was a very wealth and successful empire because they were good at trading in Trans-Saharan Trade. Ghana traded many items between North Africa and West Africa , but the two goods that were most in demand were gold and salt. The West and North African want those things, it were very rare in those area, and Ghana had a lot of those things so they can trade with North and West Africa. Ghana also get a lot taxed from traders, that’s why Ghana empire were so wealth and success! The North African really love golds because it is shiny, beautiful and look extremely cool. But in North Africa area, they don’t have gold to mine. However, Ghana had a secret gold mine. The gold land is really big so Ghana people were mine a lot of golds. They knew that the North Africa people really wanted golds so they start trading with North African. The golds price were really massive but The North African didn't care, they just keep buy a lot of golds. Because of that, Ghana people were making a ton of moneys. But only the king was allowed to have it in nugget form and ordinary people were only allowed to have …show more content…

If there were no salt for Africa, African food would taste pretty disgusting. The North and Western African really needed salt, but they couldn't make it because their lands are jungles. Ghana can make a lot of salts because their environment was good for making it. Their land near the ocean and they live in deserts, hot place and that is a perfect environment for making the salts. North and West African knew that Ghana sold a lot of salts so they rode the camels to go to Ghana and bought a lot of salts. The salts were not really expensive but a lot of people bought it so it make a lot and lot of

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