Conscience Vs Conscience Essay

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Every people have an inspiration to reach the goal in life. We must help each other to reach our goals in life; we should always have a conscience in any different ways to avoid chaos. Conscience tends to be deformed by living contrary to conscience. The will of the person and the conscience both have to do with that mind, but it’s more important than conscience, or aware of right and wrong. The moral goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own conduct, a character together with a feeling obligation to do right or to be good. Everybody say that a conscience is right it tends to judge in accordance with objective truth. When the will of a person chooses against the conscience it may not be content with a break away, it may attempts to take over it is a matter of choice to try to manipulate conscience to bent conscience to principles that suit is a choice. Being good or bad to people it’s not our choice. It depends on people treat you. If people treat you like a animal, I think the response there is definitely like what he did to you. Conscience and a will of a person it gives us to choice what is right and wrong. There’s a conscience in our lives but few of them are applying this characteristic, but most of them because of the influenced around the surroundings they never think how important conscience it is. The will of a person may choose to lie but …show more content…

Freedom for Filipino journalist was actually launched on January 7, 2003 attempt to seek support for cases. They must receive donations for the protection of journalists under threat or to provide immediate assistance to the families of the journalist who has been killed in the line of duty. To own support from the community serves to the journalists. People will never forget Roger Mariano he has been a great