1 Naturalism is the belief that reality consists of the natural world and that the universe is order. Everything follows consistent and discoverable laws of nature and can be describe in terms of fundamental laws. While Idealism can be considered as an approach to philosophy in which the reality is believed to be mentally constructed in opposition to what truly exists. Idealism can be believed as a way to deal with philosophy in which the fact of the matter is accepted to be rationally developed contrary to what genuinely exists.
2 From the Greek word for essence (ousia), Aristotelian form is that which is in matter and makes a thing what it is. According to Aristotle, form makes a substance what it is. This kind of substance making form is
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A good life is one that provide all the necessary conditions and opportunities for a person to become fully himself or herself, and one in which the person has the character to do so. For Aristotle happiness is quality of life here and now, not something for the hereafter. It is neither material nor entirely spiritual. Happiness is often translated to eudaimonia. Eudaimonia implies being really alive rather than just existing. Compared to contemporary notion of happiness I think happiness is more realistic and healthier. I think so because with happiness you get joy, you are feeling life you are passionate about it. With happiness life is lived to the fullest rather than just being …show more content…
Sophrosyne basically states that wisdom is moderation; hitting the mark’ equality of finding the mean between excess and deficiency. Aristotelian moderation is based on the concept that wisdom is hitting the mark. So basically the principle of the mean is about moderation, it’s about finding the right amount, not too much or not too little. For example of a student spend all their time studying they are not balanced human beings. A balanced human being finds the right balance to study and do other stuff. Another example is body builders they spend all their time training and exercising making them imbalanced human being. For Aristotle character refers to the overall nature or tone of a person’s habits, the habitual or predictable and usual way a person behave. Moral virtues are habit and must be ingrained in us by training. We are not born with them. Moral virtues comes to us as a result of habit. Aristotle thought that good habits ingrained in childhood produced the