Difference Between Trends And Fads

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1. What is the difference between a fad and an enduring product? Many people think that trends and fads are same but there are distinction between trends and fads. They are not only different in meaning but also the effects and the opportunities they provide. The main distinctions between trends and fads are cause, impact and durability. Generally fads have short-lived, easy to predict and do not have lasting significant compared to trends. Usually, fads can become famous quickly and decline easily which means fads become popular quickly and disappear quickly. Fads commonly lasts for a season or at the most a year and typically driven by the media or by a brand. It rarely has roots in a strong consumer need. It typically affects just one demographic or industry sector. It does provide clues to future trends. (higham, 2009). Example of fads during 2010 is silicon wristbands, which was created by Robert Croak. These shaped-shifting silicon wristbands became so popular rapidly and millions of wristbands were sold (Guarini, 2012). One of the most popular fads during 1970s is the pet rock, which is the rock with manual in a cardboard box designed to look like a pet carrying case, and began selling them at $3.95 each. A trend is actually German words and meaning is a general direction change: a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common. Trends are longer, over time they may become classic. Not like fads, trends typically affect more than one