
Differences And Similarities Between Everett And Odysseus

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Sweat dripping. Heart pumping. Gunshots ringing. Chains rattling. Onwards towards home. Chased throughout their journey both Everett and Odysseus barely escape the grip of authority, monsters, and punishment. Upon inspection, and a well-versed knowledge of The Odyssey narrative, it is obvious to see the close ties O’Brother Where Art Thou has with The Odyssey. Both works of art, one based on the other, are surprisingly similar. Especially since their time periods are significantly different, but even the challenges each protagonist faces, and the people they encounter on their travels are similar, but how do they differ?
Time period, the march of time which determines what is possible and what is impossible, also determines what is seen in …show more content…

Challenges Everett faces differ from Odysseus’ because they are more modern. Everett escapes from prison, and then tracked down by the warden. By escaping he taught himself that he’d have to be careful. Similar, but different Odysseus escapes the Cyclops lair, and blinds polyphemus but now Poseidon is chasing after him. One considerably more realistic than the other. Both must also face “sirens” but Everetts are more like seductresses that get all of his crew, while the sirens don’t get anyone in Odysseus’ crew. Most challenges in these stories are allusions to the original, but with a touch of …show more content…

Odysseus has a wife named Penelope, and Everett had a wife named Penny. The difference is that Penelope is considerable more faithful to Odysseus than Penny is to Everett. This changes how one sees their quest because when Odysseus returns, Penelope is super excited, and has saved herself for him. While Penny seems aloof about his returning, and she’s already moved onto another guy. Watching this most would think that Everett’s journey was kind of in vain since his wife didn’t seem too happy about the idea of getting back together. Also seeing that the guy running for mayor is part of the KKK really makes a huge opinion change on the other guy running making not seem nearly as bad. Also Everett’s crew was motivated by money while Odysseus’ crew was more motivated by getting home. Finally Everett and his crew were all convicts, bank robbers, and a guy who sold his soul. Pretty large crew of misfits, but richen the plot

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