
Differences And Similarities Between The Arctic And Tundra Wolf

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A stealthy hunter, quick thinker, and loyal beast; these traits describe a cunning wolf. The Arctic and Tundra wolf must endure the freezing, snowy weather of the arctic. They both must prey on animals to survive. Both have light colored coats to camouflage into their surroundings. But what makes them different? The Arctic and Tundra wolf are both in the same classification, however there are many differences in physical appearance, diet and habitat that prove apparent. The Arctic and Tundra wolf are both placed under the same classification group, gray wolf, however there are many characteristics that make both of these animals so similar, yet very different. If one were to spot a wolf in the wild, the animals physical characteristics would be the easiest trait to spot, and help identify what type of species it is. Although the Arctic and Tundra wolf have many traits in common, they also have many differences, such as size. The Arctic wolf could be up to 6 feet long, while the Tundra wolf could be …show more content…

The Arctic wolf lives in the Canadian arctic, while the Tundra wolf lives in Northern Europe and Asia; because of their location, the weather and animals surrounding them may affect the wolves’s everyday life. For example, the Arctic wolf lives in the snowy arctic. Its coat is white, so it can camouflage into the snow. Also, the Arctic does not have many large animals, this contributes to the wolf’s diet of preying on small animals. Since the Tundra wolf lives in a cold, less snowy region, they prey on larger animals and have a darker coat. If this wolf had a white coat, it would not help the animal as it tries to hide from its
Tundra Wolf predator. The Arctic Wolf and Tundra Wolf have many similarities, making it difficult to tell them apart. However, if the wolves are scrutinized, one will be able to see their differences, aside from their unalike habitat, diet, and

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