Differences Between Conservatives And Liberals During The French Invasion Of Mexico

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During the French invasion of 1862, Mexico was trying to find economic stability while trying to find it’s national identity, which made for little resistance to the foreign invasion. After the events from war with the US and loosing majority of the countries land in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico’s economy was left in disarray. This is a perfect opportunity for the French Emperor Louis Napoleon III, who sought to obtain a colony in the Americas. The Emperor also realized that the US would be unable to uphold the Monroe Doctrine due to the its Civil War. Mexico was in no position to defend itself from foreign invaders but showed their perseverance to finding sovereignty and prosperity by refusing to accept this invasion, so they continued to fight till victory was achieved. Internal battle of Conservatives and Liberals weaken government strength as a clash of ideologies divided the country. The differences between Conservatives and Liberals during this era was so great their contrast was very clear. As stated by Dr. Nava’s lecture, Liberals wanted anti-colonial values, a republic based on democracy and free-trade economy. Conservatives wanted old colonial values based in tradition, a monarch ruler and a centralized economy. The difference between these two …show more content…

The biggest disagreement between the Mexican citizens during this time came, when President Benito Juarez pursued to create a separation between Church and State. As noted by Hamnett, “The Conservative Party took up defence of endangered religion as a principal issue.” (Hamnett P. 156) This would prove to be crucial as the Pope condemn the actions from the Mexican government and therefore lose the support of the Catholic community worldwide. As the French began their invasion in 1862, Mexico would have no support from other nations and would be left to defend on its

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