Differences Between Louis Xiv And Peter The Great

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During the 1600s and 1700s a new type of monarch emerged known as an absolute ruler. Some of these rulers were Louis XIV, the Fredericks of Prussia, and Peter the Great. These rulers believed that a monarch had a divine right to rule and should only listen to God. All these rulers had characteristics that defined them as absolutists. Louis XIV was constantly at war during his reign which resulted in a powerful army. Also, during this time period, Frederick William I transformed Prussia into a military state. To become an absolute ruler, Peter the Great made many reforms throughout Russia. However, all these absolute leaders had the same goal. Even though they reigned over different countries, they all strengthened their armies, raised taxes, and unified religion. One thing that all absolute rulers did was increase the strength of their army. King Louis XIV had a goal to expand France’s borders, and he did that with a powerful army. He standardized the uniforms, weapons, and training. This was the peak of Louis XIV’s success in reforming the government. Similarly, Frederick William I, the Soliders’ King, made Prussia one of the largest militaries in Europe. He was constantly wearing his military uniform and lived a very disciplined life. His army amazed other countries with its precision, skill, and …show more content…

They wanted to have control over everything in the state. These leaders believed that God chose them to rule and that they only had to listen to Him. Rulers, like Louis XIV, controlled every aspect of his subjects life 's. In the same way, the Fredericks of Prussia and Peter the Great kept their country under control by forcing people to join the military. During the 1600 and 1700s this new type of leader, known as an absolute ruler, had similar beliefs and objectives to reform their country. Strengthening of their military, increasing taxes, and unifying religion were some of the many strategies an absolute ruler