
Parts Of My Cultural Identity

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Many times throughout a person’s life, we are asked many times who we are. We are asked, what characteristic makes us who we are. The truth is, all of the answers that we come up with can be surmised into one word; culture. Culture effects almost every aspect of our lives; from the way we celebrate certain holidays, to the way we talk and act. Just like how every person has a unique set of fingerprints, everyone has a culture that describes only themselves. In this way, my cultural identity is also unique. Many parts of my identity I have inherited from my ancestors such as my cultural background or social class. Other parts of my identity I received through learning and making decisions such as my hobbies and etiquette. It is with these little matters in life that make me able to identify myself as a unique being to myself and to the people I meet. …show more content…

I believe that the factor I value the most in my cultural identity is my geographical identity that I inherited from my ancestors. It makes me proud to know that I am a mix of Austrian, Italian, and Irish among other things. The next aspect that I value the most about my cultural identity is my hobbies. From there, everything about my cultural identity is valued equally. These aspects include but are not limited to my gender, my etiquette skills, and the aspects of my life that have been affected by being raised in the United States of

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