People With Disabilities: Video Analysis

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Portrayal of people with disabilities in the media has raised many questions and concerns to those who are disabled. It is perhaps the reason why definitions of disability are important in every society across cultures which is consistent with the textbook as stated “Alternatively, it logically follows that if disability is defined as social oppression, then the disabled people will be seen as the collective victims of an uncaring or unknowing society rather than as individual victims of circumstances” (Rosenblum & Travis 2014). Although the courage, and my inspiration to write this paper came from various positive testimonies, and resilience shown by those affected with some form of disability in my video, I am convinced that these population …show more content…

Nevertheless, there is a growing group consciousness within the disabled community regarding distorted view of disability ranging from hiding disability from public, to exclusion of people with disability. It was also portrayed in the video how one of the young girls with education needs was told that special education room is down in the basement of the school. I believe that this doesn’t only happen in the media but also in real life schools where this population is either bullied or treated unfairly with seclusion. On the other hand, there are times I actually witnessed how the public not merely depersonalizing people disabled people for example, using disablist languages like the he persona in the wheelchair, the handicapped, the deaf, and the blind man, but some people also used more offensive words like retarded, a moron, and the cripple to address people affected with …show more content…

They have shown me the fortitude to look beyond their debilitated physical status, and could freely interact with their peers including people without disabilities. For instance, people like Maysoon Zayid, an Arab-American comedian, is one if the greatest examples that our societal strength is measured those without disabilities, but including those who disabled as well. Maysoon Zayid, an advocate and one of the strongest voices in the disabled community stated in her own words "I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time," Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk. "I'm like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali." This was on TED Talks, a daily video podcast performance from TED Conference. However, in my opinion, disabled people as a whole are survivors of negative social constructs. Therefore, watching these videos and listen to some of the professors with disabilities who came to speak during classroom lectures is enough to change our perceptions on disability. However, it takes dedication, and moral courage for this population to get passes every limitation the society have constructed as a barrier or stigma to those who are affected with medical