Disadvantages Of Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures offer several advantages when it used appropriately. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) offers the benefit of getting the issue resolved quicker and cheaper than going to court. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can be scheduled by the parties and the panel members as soon as they are all able to meet together. It could save a plenty of time by allowing resolution in weeks or months, compared to court which can take years. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) help to reduce the cost incurred by all parties including fees for lawyers and experts, attorney 's fees, litigants court costs, and work time lost. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings are private, only people who are invited can attend an ADR session. Thus, the results can be kept confidential. The parties can agree that the information disclosed during negotiations or arbitration hearings cannot be used later even if litigation ensues. This allows them to focus on the merits of the dispute without concern about its public impact, and may be of special importance where commercial reputations and trade secrets are involved (Mark, 2012). The final outcome can also be made private if the parties so stipulate and agree. On the other hand, court cases, judgments, and opinions are usually open to the public and the press. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes are usually more flexible than the court process. Resolutions can be tailored to the needs