Disadvantages Of Child Labour

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Burra (2005) has tried to redefine the concept of child ‘work’ and ‘labor’. She has also tried to find out the difference between these two concepts. According to the author, any activities which interrupt the growth of children is harmful and should be banned, irrespective of whether it is child work or labor. The researcher has tried to research that the girl child is more exploited as compared to boys child labour. The author also pointed out that, the most of researches on child labor has been focused on hazardous activities only, and there has been very less focused on the non hazardous working condition. But in actual both forms of work harm child development. She criticizing the data collection procedures, then she points out that most of data relate to school going children, whereas in reality most children are out of schooling system. The study has tried to bring out the extent of informal economy which consists of various supporting activities, such as all sort of domestic work, helping mothers in their work, taking care of their siblings and aged people. According to her the informal economy constitutes 45% to the GDP of India. Children involved in informal working groups which conceive this informal economy also constitutes to child labor. The primary reason for hiring children is to take advantage of ignorance, innocence, lack of awareness of their rights. They don’t have any unity to fight against the employer. The government policies and programs for this