Disadvantages Of Eviction

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As discussed in the introduction and in the discussion on eviction, it is mentioned that there are several types of eviction, i.e. eviction related to violence, forced displacement, based on development projects and based on justifiable reasons. Although the causes are different, both types brought a severe effect to the evictees from losing their homes, families, jobs to become homeless. In certain cases, eviction can affect the psychological condition of the victims. Rent arrears are considered as the most common cause of evictions and could also trigger homelessness.
With regard to the rent arrears eviction, the General Comment No 7 stipulates that:

“Whereas some evictions may be justifiable, such as in the case of persistent non-payment of rent or of damage to rented property without any reasonable cause, it is incumbent upon the relevant authorities to ensure that they are carried out in a manner warranted by a law which is compatible with the Covenant and that all the legal recourses and remedies are available to those affected.”

This does not mean that all evictions due to rent arrears are permissible and thus can be justified as a legal eviction. A rent arrears eviction can be categorized as a justifiable eviction, if it is carried out based on the governing law starting from pre-eviction, during and post eviction. Governments in this regard, as human rights duty bearers, hold the obligation to ensure that eviction is consistent with the rules and legal