Disadvantages Of Modern Day Courting

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MODERN-DAY COURTING 2Acknowledgements This research wouldn 't have been finished and would not be possible without the help and guidance of the following people to whom the researchers owe their gratitude and sincere thanks: Their friends and family for the support they have grant upon them,without their encouragement, the researchers would have given up and wouldn’t make this research possible; Mr. Jaycee Castillo for the worthy information’s he had provided and shared during the actual interview which helped them attain the answers for this research study; Mr. Edward Jay M. Quinto for the guidance, support and knowledge he had given to help the researchers accomplish the needed tasks well and to successfully complete and make this research possible. Above all, God, the Almighty Father, who gave us confidence and knowledge to comprehend and understand the significance of collaboration, diligent work, participation and motivation to complete the research paper. A. J. L. G. A. G. R. G. A.C. J. D. N. O. J. MODERN-DAY COURTING 3Abstract This study was conducted to gather information about modern-day courting. This paper focused on the main idea of courting, the differences between the traditional and modern-day courting, the influences that changed modern-day courting, its advantages and disadvantages, and its sociological implications. The required information for this qualitative research paper